Know more about our advocacy and goals.
GalleryGlobal Health For Humanity is a nonprofit organization that strives to create a better, healthier world for all humanity. We help underprivileged individuals get the quality health care and education they need to lead better lives. We believe that every child has the right to survive, get protection, participate actively in the community, and receive the right care and education. As such, Global Health For Humanity taps and connects with generous individuals, communities, and organizations to raise funds and find resources to help these individuals, especially children, to get the care and support they need and deserve.
people walking

Our Mission and Vision

Our strategic goals, ten years from now, are:
  • To create a world without disease by helping the underprivileged individuals get the care and resources they need to receive quality medical care.
  • To stop hunger by feeding impoverished children all around the globe one at a time.
  • To create a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve and preserve nature for both the world and humanity’s sake.
  • To build a world where all communities have full access to innovative, affordable, and evidence-based healthcare and quality education.
  • To help every individual to get shelter and all other basic needs of human life in order to survive and reach their goals.
  • To build a world where all people are protected by a strong public health system.
  • To promote hope, tolerance, and social justice among humanity, helping end poverty and enabling them to live in dignity and security.
  • To open opportunities that will help children around the globe attain an excellent education, achieve their fullest potential, and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life.

Meet the Founder

  • Sanfrancis Omuson

    Sanfrancis Omuson Founder & CEO

The Poor Villagers

Lack And Needs In A Poor Village Called Eziagbogu In Ezinihitte Local Government In Imo State Nigeria.

Few years ago right after pandemic covid-19 my mother who lived all her life till to the age of 106 yrs was hospitalized in one and the only hospital in the rural areas.

I witnessed unseen poorest environment as a hospital so dilapidated for human beings to be admitted,the worst I ever seen in my entire life that moments took me back to 1970 after the war that this villagers forth without armonition or weapons, hanger, starvation killed three hundred and fifty thousand died including my mentor, roll model who went to the military and was killed as well, lack of food medical attention today life environment still the same as it was 46 yrs ago no development so fare poverty hardship consuming life’s children pregnant woman,elderly people where stranded can not afford to pay the hospital bills hospital refused discharging them to go home,it became a big problem. I personally stood on my grand start paying off hospital charges as much as I could,I was deeply touch and hurt seen people laying in a cooled uncemented floor.

Global health for humanity, main reason reaching out to the world asking for assistant, support to help people that are unable for a lab work or testing to identify course of sickness until it gets worst effecting there inner organs resulting to cancer; in a situation one square meal a day is difficult during rain season children swimmers in the flooded roads and street going to schools, class rooms environment too bad to accommodate human life’s.

Our Missions

To build a head start facility that will provide as fellowing after school programme that can review there daily projects from school laboratory, exam unit for cpr and first aid teaching related course of malaria and thyphod symtoms and nutrition values.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us by using our online contact form or calling us at 800-568-6953.

The Poor Villagers – Gallery

volunteers smiling indoor